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Home Noticias Overcoming challenges to remove production lines in a very short notice

Overcoming challenges to remove production lines in a very short notice

July 2024

In January 2024, we received an urgent request from the Operations Director, from one of our customers in Spain, asking if we could remove two coating lines from the production floor on very short notice. Our name had been passed along by the Vice President of this company, who knows us well and was aware that we had previously removed multiple lines from various factories.

We quickly reached an agreement to remove a total of three production lines: two coating lines and one printing line. The project was originally scheduled to start on March 1, 2024, but due to internal circumstances, it was repeatedly postponed. Finally, at the end of April 2024, we were informed that we had to start on May 6. This posed significant logistical and personnel challenges, but thanks to the tremendous effort from our office in Zaragoza (Cazander IberoAmerica S.L. with Alfredo Corcuera and Andrea Corcuera), we managed to pull it off.

In May and June 2024, we completed the task with about 10 technicians and transported approximately 30 trailers filled with machine parts out of the factory.

The biggest challenge was the very short timeframe and the brief period between the 'green light' and the start of the project.

All in all, we are proud of our team for achieving this and grateful for the trust and support from the employees of our customer in Spain on site.


Arnold Cazander
Arnold Cazander

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